Adam Russell
Helping Project Leaders enable value through people thinking and working naturally together.Sign up to my mailing list to read what I'm working on.
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Below is a snapshot of titles I'm working on as at November 2023
AdamOnProjects (Adam Russell) writes and consults on Leading Successful Projects, mainly Information Technology and Software Development projects, but his approach applies to projects of any kind.
Since late 2022, Adam has been exploring and refining his knowledge and expertise on ChatGPT, and has written several books that cover generative AI for project management, and also generally for other domain areas.It doesn't matter whether you're following an Agile playbook or a Waterfall plan or anything else. What matters is how people collaborate and form teams to enable value.Adam's approach is based on successfully delivering hundreds of software development, software package and systems integration projects over the past 40+ years.To round out his practical experience with academic rigour, Adam is currently studying an MSc in Project Management.
My Publisher
Adam publishes all his content with BrainJuice.Media, which feeds your professional brain. BrainJuice.Media is a Tiligent Pty Ltd business.
Ask Adam anything. Or give him a piece of your mind. Either way, he'll respond within 1-2 days (usually much sooner).